Workshop - Pranayama


This workshop will be an introduction to Pranayama, For those who would like to take their Yoga practice farther. BKS Iyengar "Asana practice without Pranayama is lifeless." The breath is the thread which connects the mind to the body. Pranayama is the fourth limb of Patajalis Astanga Yoga, (eight limbs) Yama and Niyama =Moral and ethical conduct Discipline over how you live your life, Asana Discipline over the body Pranayama Discipline over the breath Pratyahara Discipline over the senses Dharana Concentration Dharana Meditation Samadhi Self Realization As you will see each step getting more challenging, yet each one connected. This will be the first intro class, more might be added later. number one and two must be taken before you can more on to Pranayama 3.

PRANAYAM series Number TWO

(replace with pranayama )

For those wishing to advance their Yoga practice, this workshop will be a continuation of Intro # 1, you may take it if you missed number one, but must take it before you can take Pranayama #3. If you have questions please ask.


BKS Iyengar says " Asana without Pranayama is not Yoga." we will be linking one workshop to another. Number one and two Pranayama workshops must be taken before attempting number three, its fine if you have taken them at any time. ANTARA KUMBHAKA , MULA BANDHA will be added. SITALI and SITARKARI plus Digital Pranayama Home practice is recommended so in each workshop we can progress. It is required that you have an Asana practice, before joining this class. Ask if your not sure about coming to this workshop

Pranayama series number FOUR

This will be a continuation of the other Pranayama workshops; We will explore Digital Pranayama , the use of the fingers on the nose, Guruji says we have to learn to play the prana sound, coming out and going into the nostrils like playing a musical instrument. In Asana we use the eyes, in Pranayama we use the ears.

PRANAYAMA series number five

For student who have completed the other Pranayama workshops, ask if your not sure your ready. digital pranayama will be introduced

PRANAYAMA series number SIX

This workshop is for continuing students who have take the earlier Pranayama workshops. Digital Pranayama will be continued from #5 . Nadi Shodana.will be practiced, You will have to have very short finger nails. Please ask if your not sure about your ability to take this workshop.

This workshop is one of the most popular, and fills up quickly. Contact me for availability and pre-registration.

All props, including yoga mat, are provided.




Denise's Yoga Studio